Every patient trusts their doctor to be able to give them the best possible treatment for what they want, and this is even more true when a patient is considering cosmetic surgery. They want to be confident that their doctor has considered absolutely all of the different options, and knows exactly what it is that they want to achieve. Whether it’s removing those wrinkles that lie around their forehead, those creases around the eyes, the thin lips that show off their age, or the lack of plumpness in their skin that they used to enjoy – there can be a variety of different reasons that they want to look different, and that’s why there are different treatment options for different patients. When it comes to dermal fillers and cosmetic surgery, there are two particularly popular filler choices that most patients elect for:
Comprised of calcium hydroxylapatite, this dermal filler is most frequently used for deep groves around the body, such as around the nose and mouth area like the nasolabial folds. By plumping up these areas the patient is able to achieve a more smooth and beautiful shape. The injections may only last for the short term, but the Radiesse filler has an indirect side effect on our body’s natural ability to create collagen, stimulating the production of cells and helps the body to continue the look for longer.
On the other hand, you can offer Juvederm which acts in a slightly different way when it is used as a dermal filler. This type of dermal filler is perfect for plumping up cheeks and filling in lips, helping the patient to give a more cosmetically pleasing look.
Dr Howard Katz offers expert training on the differences between these, and other dermal fillers, so you can help your patients make fully informed choices. Learn all you can from his years of experience by attending his Dentox training program here New York.
NY Program Information: http://dentox.com/botox-training-new-york